Baseball Toaster Bronx Banter
Plug Tunin'
2006-04-10 10:02
by Alex Belth

One week is in the books and in many ways I feel as if the season hasn't started yet. That's what you get when the Bombers open up on the west coast. To be honest, between my job and promoting "Stepping Up", I've simply been too preoccupied to focus on the Yanks. I've caught a few odd innings here and there, and, fortunately, I know where to come for all the latest recaps and analysis.

My trip to St. Louis was brief but a success and I really enjoyed the place, its history and all the baseball fans I met. The longest interview I did was the first--for the local NPR station (which you can listen to here). I've got just enough "ums" and "you knows" in there to make my old man roll his eyes--and I was trying my best to be on point with that stuff. (I must have said "essentially" or "the interesting thing" about a dozen times each too.) Just goes to show you what a learned skill talking in public is. Hey, I'm getting there. Tonight, I'll be on Sports Bloggers Live between 7-8 on AOL, and I'm also hosting a chat over at Baseball Prospectus. I'd appreciate it if y'all could stop by and throw in a question--about Flood, the Yanks, or anything else you've got on your mind.

Thanks, and I hope to be back to the Yankee beat sometime in the near future.

2006-04-10 10:46:45
1.   Sliced Bread
Welcome back, Alex.
Won't be on the computer tonight, but I submitted a couple Flood questions over at Prospectus.

- Who among the current players in the game do you think would have 'stepped up' and fought the league as Flood did?
- Who were some of the modern players Flood admired.

Looking forward to reading the book. Good luck!

2006-04-10 14:02:33
2.   vockins
plug one

plug two

2006-04-10 14:06:59
3.   NetShrine
Alex, Cliff, when are you going to add the "04" link inder "2006" on the "Archives" section on the right panel?
2006-04-10 18:18:45
4.   BklynBomber
Well done interview, Alex! That era was where my personal baseball memories begin, actually with '64 Yanks-Cards heartbreak, and I clearly remember Flood as a player, but less about the lawsuit. I'm looking forward to revisiting that time, and the man through your writing. As always, keep up the great work!
2006-04-10 22:07:51
5.   Mark T.R. Donohue
I don't know if I've mentioned this before on my site, but I wrote my undergraduate history thesis at Berkeley on the Curt Flood case. It didn't really illustrate anything other than that I was woefully miscast as an academic, but I think I finessed a B+ because the professor appreciated the change of pace from all the heavy stuff the other students in our 20th century history seminar were laying on her. Bowie Kuhn is a much more sympathetic antagonist than Nixon or Hitler.
2006-04-10 23:48:57
6.   Cliff Corcoran
Steve, the April archive is up and running. Thanks for pointing out the fact that it was missing (usually those things show up automatically).
2006-04-11 07:36:41
7.   Larkin11
Great interview! Reminded me of when I was in law school and we discussed the Flood case in my Legislation class. I'll have to get out my old casebook and try to find it.

All I really remembered from school was that the opinion was badly written and that everyone agreed that "Federal Baseball..." was wrongly decided but that they held it up anyway.

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