Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
I've begun to see that the pleasure men take in being with each other -- playing cards together, being in a bar together -- isn't actively anti-female. It isn't against women; it just has nothing to do with them. It seems to come from some point in their lives before they were aware that there were women. They have so much fun together. I really have become much more sympathetic to men because of my job.Jane Gross, on her experiences as woman sportswriter, to Roger Angell, 1979
I just love this quote--I've used it several times now--because it keeps me in touch what I find so appealing about watching baseball: the companionship, the intimacy, the natural displays of affection that ballplayers share. These days we are reminded at every turn of the distance between us and big league athletes, but we can still observe how these guys pal around, in an unaffected, generous way. Manny Ramirez's infectious warmth spread to the entire Red Sox club a few years ago as teammates would openly hug after they hit a home run. But I remember watching Kevin Brown massage Jon Lieber's shoulder in the dugout as they watched a game--and Brown was supposed to be the biggest ogre going.
Just this morning the Daily News ran a photo of Bernie Williams and Derek Jeter, the two greatest Yankee everyday players of the Joe Torre years. Jeter is seated in the dugout leaning over, blowing some dirt off of his glove. Williams stands above Jeter, his left hand cupped in the middle of the Captain's head. In his right hand is a cup of water which is about to pour over Jeter. His left hand is placed so as to prevent any water from running down the front of Jeter's face, and Williams has a look of concentration on his face. It is a common enough sight, but noteable because of Jeter's casual, almost unaware posture, and the great care Williams seems to be taking; they are completely comfortable with each other. Love that kind of stuff.
"A-Rod says WBC injury 'inevitable'"
While I know Steinbrenner can't force guys NOT to play, I surprised there wasn't an 'off-the-books' request/quasi-demand not to play. We simply don't have the bench to replace any of our starters.
The WBC is a good concept, but he timing is terrible!
The other funny thing is that during the season if I'm not watching the game with my friends they are usually blowing up my cell phone. Which is great because it prevents me from getting into one of those heart-to-heart conversations and from answering the usual question (seems to happen every 4 weeks in my estimation), 'in 10 years do you still see yourself paying so much attention to the Yankees? Where do you see us in 10 years?'. Ughhh!!!!! Can't wait till opening day so that I can escape into my little world for 3 hours at a time again ..
Buster Olney offers revealing insights to the Bernie-Jeter relationship in his Bronx Banter interview with Alex (Sept. '04 -see interview link on right - it's about a third of the way into the interview).
Dimelo, be sure to include your demand/request for Yankee-time in your future pre-marital negotiations - but be prepared to make 'Rent'esque concessions.
Snow's falling in NY/NJ - first pitch of Spring Training less than 3 hours away!
Mixing Coen Brothers and Our Gang may be a dangerous venture and I know this was way off topic but thanks for that.
And over my winter break I saw RENT on Broadway.
I would not trade either experience for anything. And both experiences were more than the event I went to see, but with the people I shared it with.
Dimelo, if she really loves you and she knows how much you love the Yanks, she'll always be willing to make room for them. And if she's isn't much of a fan, a good sign is that she starts to become one. This has been my experience at least.
That said, watching a game with the boys (including my dad and my bro) is a much different experience from watching the game with my wife. Both are fun, just in different ways.
And, of course the title reference is to the "Oh Homio" Romeo and Julliett "Little Rascals" feature. Good call.
Type Jeter in the search field and it should be one of the first pics.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.