Baseball Toaster Bronx Banter
Game Six: Open Thread
2004-10-19 14:51
by Alex Belth

Dying time's here...I was talking to a friend this morning and he suggested that should the series go to a seventh game, players will simply start dropping dead. Medic! Down goes Tony Clark. I think Nixon just dropped too. Somebody get a stretcher. It rained all night and has been dark and dreary here in Manhattan all day. The rain is supposed to keep up throughout the evening, but I don't think it's going to be heavy enough to cancel the game. We shall see...

Please, if you don't have a therapist, or feel inclined to punch something with your non-pitching hand, resist the urge, and leave let your feelings be known in the comments section below. I'm sorry I haven't provided more in-depth write-ups of the previous two games. It may look suspicious considering the results but the truth is, I've been illing from a stomach flu since late last week and just haven't had the energy to do a proper job. Some timing. Anyway, I don't need to fill most of you in on what happened cause you are watching it yourself. But if you do get a chance, and want some cheap laughs, check out my correspondence with Sox fan Edward Cossette over at the home page.

Let me say it one more time, with feeling: Let's Go Yan-Kees!

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.