Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Over at WFAN's website, the intrepid Sweeny Murti gives us his list of the 25 top Yankee Stadium Moments. Excellent job by Murti here, as he combines research and reporting to provide a lively and entertaining list. Part of the fun is seeing if you agree with his take. Personally, I would have the Louis-Schmeling fight in the top Five, if not top Three. What do you think? This is oodles of fun from Murti. Check it out:
The most egregious entry, to me, is the Ceremonial First Pitch of the '01 Serious. I think it should be taken off the list. Note I've never lived in the City, so YMMV.
Also, I was glad to see the inclusion of the Don Mattingly HR in the 1995 ALDS. I was at that game and it was my greatest moment. Having said that, it really is only a great moment for Yankee fans, not the game of baseball. As the inclusion of other sports indicates, this list seems to be about sport-wide impact, so Mattingly's HR probably doesn't belong.
I was also at the Gooden no-hitter and agree that it doesn't belong either. It was a nice moment, but certainly not top-25 (maybe not even top-50 or 75).
What should definitely be on the list is either the 1st WS game at YS (October 10, 1923) or the first WS victory at YS (October 8, 1927).
What absolutely doesn't belong on the list is the first game of DiMaggio's streak. I know you want to honor that accomplishment, but it doesn't make sense to give hit #1 special significance.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.